Thursday, May 07, 2009

Recognize you're out on your own, nobody's on nobodys' side...

I'm sitting here, pain in my body, and still having a smile on my face. Nothing is really bothering me right now, except the fact that I have to control all over again that my body hasn't gone berzerk for real on me. No, nobody would like that. I would melt down in some way, the reason isn't "Why me?" it's something more I have to accept and deal with, but hey, you know nothing will ever come on a silver plate, and if it does - you aren't always happy anyway. We'll see what happens, but I'm making appointments with doctors, to figure this shit out. And I know I will learn to deal with everything that comes up, I'm always the one that will survive whatever it takes.

I'll give you my favorite picture of John Bauer,
he made the most amazing paintings, to his stories.
Love 'em!

xo xo

1 comment:

Nina Holma said...

jag älskar alla john buers illustrationer och sagor, vore det inte kul att göra ett jobb med inspiration hämtat härifrån någon gång i sommar? i skogen?kram