Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life and love and all that other things!

Today is a very good day, for me, on a very personal matter. I'm just smiling, cause I never knew how far I could go, it seems it's going to last. Nevermind, I'm heading into town to do some business, hope I'll get there with the pain in my body, I hate it right now. Nothing I do make it better, but I'm not giving up my hope on that one - cause that really is going with me 'til I die, haha, so melodramatic of me!

And yees, in about a little more than one week I'm seeing my brother again, I miss him. My brothers are the most important thing in my life, I just love them. And I got a clear sign from him yesterday that I can almost erase everything that doesn't need to be on the computer anymore, he's grown!

He looks really good, don't you think?


1 comment:

Elva said...

"Today is a very good day, for me personally, on a very private part. I'm just smiling, cause I never knew how far I could go,..."

Hmmm... "private part" är väl kanske ett lite dåligt ordval väl gumman? ;)
Apropå det jag sa igår om att folk förutsätter att jag har snuskig fantasi. Den här gången så är det nästan OMÖJLIGT att inte tolka det snuskigt om man läser ordagrannt vad du skrivit. Hahaha!

Hoppas smärtan ger med sig iaf och jag är jätteglad över att du har en så snäll bror. Och att du rockade fett igår :)
