Friday, August 14, 2009

Nothing in life comes easily and, Nothing worth having is cheap...

Fashion, fashion, fashion is all about taking chances, I'm going to do something that is maybe a little bit too scary for me, but to hell with my fear, if I'm gonna go somewhere in this world, you better belive that I'll aim for the stars, nothing else. I have to do this. In fashion you're in and you're out, well sometimes that isn't true... Some things are always in, like the little black dress for instance, you can always have a well tailored suit, a perfect bag from Hermès or maybe the thing you might like on yourself. So am I going to go hunting for the stars or will the stars come to me? The stars won't come to me, I have to hunt them, and I will. Nothing in life worth having is cheap. Why do they say that the best things in life is free? Cause it's a struggle just to get there... But maybe it's the fight we must have...


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