Thursday, April 30, 2009

Following the footsteps of a ragdolls dance and I'm in trance...

Today is the "fire"- day here in Sweden, Valborgsmässoafton, we lighten up alot of fires to celebrate that the spring is coming and also that the darkness is going it's way. And of course everybody gets drunk and are in one way or another pretty exhausting to be around. I don't even want to celebrate this. Hello, if you're new here, you have to know that I have huge issues with the springtime, cause of the light. But it always sort of comfy to look at a fire, but no one does it anymore. I guess I've outgrown the whole thing about celebrate this, it doesn't give me anything. It's dull and boring the hell out of me. But I love fire, so maybe I'll go and look at one. We'll see.

Now I think I should go and do something that is productivly for me. I've got tons of things to do... But I need to relax myself, I think. It's a nagging feeling in my brain. That hasn't been there for some time now. I just can't help but wonder.

xo xo

1 comment:

Aurora Studio said...

Haha, ja det där med fylla kring valborg är verkligen... så svenskt. Som alla andra högtider ungefär. :) Hoppas du hade det fint i alla fall!:D